Monday, December 20, 2021

oH TO bE A Kid Again!

 Oh ,to be a kid again, where learning to ride a two-wheeler was one of our main concerns

Mastering the art of tying shoelaces was a "feat".
When "aiming" well, meant pinning the tail on the donkey
When winning meant pushing into a chair before the music ended
When dialing the wrong number meant having to call the operator to get a credit to the phone bill.
When catching up to the ice cream truck before he drove away and strutting proudly with that toasted almond pop was a victory.
anxiously planning for my next birthday which would be eons before it arrived.
Oh, to be a kid again.

Saturday, December 11, 2021

Empty Nesters... Really, where did the time go?

It really is so different. WE're in the cell phone age. Many adult children, like mine, have removed their landline to save money, as have I. WE all have Caller ID, and can choose whether or not to answer a phone. When they were little kids, we didn't have caller ID on our land lines, so as soon as the phone rang, the whole family raced to the phone. "I know it's for me!!!". Now, with caller ID, one can take a peek at the caller's name and decide whether one is busy or free. My kids insist they answer all of my calls, but who knows???

Granny soon to be...

"Random Thoughts About Aging" -2021

Couldn't be!!! I'm just 35, with relatively young kids and both parents still alive,  music blasting from my room- "Time, time time is on my side"... No, it isn't. That was me in last night's dream. I used to hear older folk. "Where did the years go". Now, I'm one of them. So, what is the answer I'm not 35.  My "babies" are older than that, and my beloved parents have been gone for over 30 years.  The 23rd of Feb. 1989, was the day "the music died". My dad passed in his sleep. Since that phone call from my mom, and to this day, my favorite performers play in my mind's eye, and their lyrics evoke memories of yesterday. Sometimes, my emotions get in the way of me being the ability to sing them.