Monday, December 28, 2009

new year's eve 2009-2010

SHIT!!!!!! Not another year of my life gone by- I AM A FREAKING SENIOR CITIZEN!!! It had to happen sooner or later- and it came about sooner. We can't figure out what to do to "celebrate"??????!!!!! I've been teary eyed about missing my parents and so many other people who were a huge part of my growing up years- I'm still growing up- but why the f- do I have to grow old too????

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Round2- the traveling jewelry boutique- dilemma

perhaps we will not be under sold, but we aren't making much of a profi either!!!!

Thursday, December 10, 2009


So the Governor is angry at CSEA and PEF members for declining a salary freeze in April, but he thanks you for forfeiting an increase. Labor is always always asked to take it on the chin, while the administrators sit in airtight offices. PEF and CSEA members spend the day with patients who curse at hit, kick, punch them. We are criticized for our attire by those in suits and heels who sit in their offices making decsions about the children with whom they have no direct contact; infact, many of the management confidential execs,at at least one state facility, have no experience themselves working with kids. Then, they blame us for their inadequacies.

They don't trust and they can't be trusted

msot of my students have borderline personalities- today they love me and ask to spend extra time with me, but tomorrow, when I say "NO!", they curse at me, yell at me and walk out of my room. I know they are patients, but i still get disappointed with each one when they turn on me.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

watching old commercials

Can't believe they actually had upbeat commercials on television about the great taste and pleasures of smoking, and we as kids used to sing along with the jingles. Then again, there were so many cool catchy jingles for all sorts of products. The commercials from "the day" were entertainment in themselves!

Should state wages be frozen?

another exhausting day working at a state children’s hospital. At least today, I can go home without having been assaulted by a kid while some high paid director, crew of appointees and 6 figure civil service earners make decisions and rules about things they know nothing about. They but do little themselves and would never know or care how it feels to be a direct care staff. I work very hard and I get mandated for overtime too much because my co-workers have gotten badly hurt by the kids we take care of and care about. We can’t afford a wage freeze and we deserve every dollar we make, but unfortunately, most at the top are way overpaid. Cut the fat in effective management and keep the labor.i am glad i was told about this newspaper’s discussion board.

I responded as a direct care staff to the question in the Albany times Union Yestersay, so I would not be suspected as the writer should any state administrator read the column. ( I doubt they will, tho)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

it's not the degree of dedication, the hard work nor the positive results that brings a job promotion..

...and I can't figure out what it takes.
Last week my husband, a man with 28 yr. of inpatient experience at the childrn's psych center where staff and kids have enormous respect for michael lost a promotion to a woman with no in patient experience and not a particularly nice person. Many employees are angry and attribute my husband's loss to their needing him to fill the other boy's team leader because the current leader is retiring. They know my hhusband has excellent leadership qualities and has the only functional team, so they want to keep him where he is.
jason phoned toniight- He's given 12 years to and for the past 6 has forgone lots of recreation to work on weekends. His peer, who spends half the time t the job, got a promotion.
Go figure. i'm too frustrated to bother. I've lost trust in people,

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

So what's 28 years of experience?

Michael , with 28 years of in-patient experience got passed over for a promotion by a peer, perhaps with the same number of years with the State, but with NO IN-PATIENT EXPERIENCE!!! He is revered by all the staff and cliniciansm teachers and kids. Go figure.

oh the silliness of our family!

We have a 7 mo. old bichon we named Katana(little in Hebrew)- She was 1 and a half pounds when we got her. She is now about 6 and a half. Michael, Dara, Jason and I call her practically everything, but... how will she ever know her own name? tana, duttie, duts, kitty, lildawg, little dog, tanalughhhhh, "T", > Whe same for Lily, and we never really did know if she knew her name!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

on dentists..

For years I have battled gum disease, which was only treated as a bacterial infection by my first periodontist thirty years ago, thus keeping it in check without any kind of surgery. After I relocated 90 minutes from his practice and he had no Saturday or even early evening appointments, (which I can't understand because most people have to work, some two jobs to pay for such services that are not covered by insurance), I went through many perios only to get surgery on three quadrants and have teeth extracted. Finally, after being told I should get three more teeth pulled because despite my "excellent home care", the disease was worsening, and get implants before the bone loss was too great too be able to take implants, I searched for dentists who perhaps could save me from paying thousands of dollars and help me keep the teeth.
i saw an article by Dr. Paul Keyes, based in D.C. who only believed that periodontitis was a bacterial disease and should be treated that way. I e-mailed him and he e-amiled and phoned me. He is 92 years YOUNG, nad gave me advice that has saved me thousand s and heartache- a dentist in NYC, who, "should have retired," as he says, 'years ago" and only took me out of respect for the reknowned Dr. Keyes, and is treating me- I HAVE MY TEETH and there is no infection any more- things are looking good- Dentists have to pay back enormous loans and it is
more profitable to perform surgery than to educate patients the right oral care. Incidentally, Dr. Keyes is looked down upon by the dental community. Dr. Galvin, my new dentist, has been treating people, who are now quite elderly, using his methods, for many years, and were told way back that many teeth would have to come out. THANK YOU DRs. GALVIN and KEYES!!!!!

on celebrities and their woes

i do not feel compassion for celebrities who flaunt their designer clothing and jewels and publicize via the media or even twitter about their luxurious vacations, the cost of which even a professional person earns in 6 months or more, and then wail about being robbed. Isn't it logical to conclude that young persons who have so little feel that their "victims" have so much anyway, and they can just buy more of what was taken without even feeling the cruch?

Friday, June 5, 2009

Our Latest Venture

I am vacillating between taking on the responsibility of a new bichon- pee and poop training, grooming, heavy duty costs and being home for or not.
micheal and I have become vendors of 925 silver imported from hong king and shang hai- contemporary pieces that we buy on e-bay and ressell at work and street fairs and flea markets. we need the money- i need extensive work on my teeth and gumsd- go figure- i take care of them, but still they dteriorated and i have lots of bone loss and back teeth have been pulled- don't know whether it was necessary- going to see a dentist in nyc that aims supposedly to save teeth others want to pull- might it be all in the name of a buck?
It's bad enough when a Gentile screws helpless people, but when a Jew is unscrupulous after all that was done to the Jews, I feel unsettled and angry. There is a jewish little man at work who is the head of quality control who is out to get therapy aids, who despite their hard work and dedication to the kids are accused wrongly in most cases or rightly, but who accidentally hurt a child, are out to GET them. He is scum/
I love my kids and i'm proud of them!!!!

Monday, May 18, 2009

I miss my Lily.. my cotton-delle, bichon

.Ok, so she closer to 16 than 15 and understood, she had a slow growing fatty cyst that was enveloping her heart, yet, her passing, has left me broken-hearted. I got home from work a week ago Friday, and she was lying flat next to mickey's bed, listless. I lifted her, and she just lay in my arms, breathing, yet not moving. Dara had been on her way to albany with Diana, and had randomly phoned to ask me to meet her for dinner. when I saw Lily, I called Dara and she came over. We cried, both knowing what was to be would not be good.
Lily slept on our bed, and in the morning, she was lying face down. Her heart had stopped beating. The vet buried her.
Yesterday, I met up with Jason in Grand central. We walked around, treated me for aa manicure, went out to a lovely Italian dinner, back to his apt., and then he walked me to the station to catch a 7:46 traon home. We cried about Lily. Lily passed away and we are sad.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

If I was a woman of means...

... I'd be taken more seriously by whomever I came in contact.

second marriage-with stepchildren

When I moved in over 6 yrs. ago with my lover and friend, I was looking forward to making his children an important part of my life. For nearly year, it seemed that they accepted me as a close friend and Jamie, a confidant and tutor. That realtionship was headed; however, for disaster. Both jamie and Jesse practically ignored me when Mike and I took them to a Rhode Island Beach resort for 4 nights. Their coolness did not sit well with me. At first i was sad and reacted by becoming weepy. Michael became angry with me and made excuses, esp. for Jamie, that she was with him so often and directed her converstions toward him. I never asked how then for so long she spoke equally to us. She became very self-centered. since she was not well-liked by her peers, she hung around her dad on weekends when I also needed him. It was hell. I started to mirror her attitude. We've had some scathing words over the years and our relationship has been reduced to a greetings and some superficial, short dialogs.
Jesse is failing in school and very troubled.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Obama. Disappoints and Deeply So...

when I read in the NY Times, a few minutes ago, that he is reconsidering his promise not to tax employee health benefits, I said to myself, "This man is another great speaker but surely not one who thinks things out. The middle class voted for him because we liked his platform; we felt he understood us and wanted to help us from disappearing. it's early and words do not come easily, so I will end by summing it up... "Obama disappoints and deeply so."

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


They all seem to share the same agenda- making money!!!!

I'm Done!

That seems to be the attitude of employees in all capacities at the kiddy pysch. hospital. So many speak the same words which are meaningless because they aren't true. Remember, it's the kids that matter, not us! I don't believe most of them one bit. Their actions demonstrate that they are there for themselves.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


So, my periodontist breezes through the door to check on my teeth after the cleaning and reports that two of my teeth are quite loose, and I should get them pulled or else I risk the chance of getting heart problems. Question: Since he had already looked at the xrays and knew the diagnosis, why did he smile and ask, "Hi, Bonnie, how are you?"
On that note....

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Mixed Blessings

I am blessed with having two young adult children; however, both Dara and Jason are closer to thirty than 25 and neither are dating anyone seriously. They are good looking, amiable, funny, very bright, flexible and have successful careers. What's going on?????

Sunday, January 25, 2009

I'm Glad I'm not Governor Patterson- That's Who I'd Never Want to Be..

...For if I was Governor Patterson,
NY State workers would hate me!