Friday, November 29, 2013

his moods keep getting in the way.

sometimes, I feel I don't belong. I've never been fully accepted by any clique. I've always been in the periphery. I don't really have anyone whom I can count on. I doubt everyone, even my husband. he wants to be even tempered and kind, but his moods keep getting in the way.

teacher in a psychiatric center. It's hard to say good bye

She told you she was scarred by life’s betrayals

She begged you to listen

And not to say, “I understand”

Because you can’t..

And because you don’t.



She said sometimes she felt she was living in an abyss

And there was no way out.

Please don’t say, “I can identify”.

You’ve not walked in her shoes.


She told you everything you wanted to hear

Except what she really felt

Lest you began to judge her

Or whispered “She’s not normal.”


Kept still though you doubted her words

Her eyes spoke to you

“I’ll be fine. Let it go.”

The expert of self-deception



You spotted her skipping down a road

Filled with tomorrows and days ahead

But, years of impulsivity wore her down

No surprise, she disappointed.



Too many times she’s sought advice

“But they all read from “scripts”.

 Maybe it’s ‘cause she didn’t hear

 What she wanted to hear.


 She’s found a guide, who recovered

 From her own hell, and brought

 concern for a world outside herself.

Two steps forward, one step back.

‘Til forward wins the race.


 Real friends, an education, determination

 Root for her as she “Passes go’

 And collect the rewards well earned

 Small steps pulled her down

 Small steps will bring her up.